How quickly can you deliver?

We take pride in our fast delivery times for our products. We understand that you want to receive your items as quickly as possible when you place an order. That's why we go to great lengths to ensure your satisfaction by offering some of the shortest delivery times in the industry. 

In fact, we are pleased to announce that an impressive 95% of our FOX products are available for delivery within just 48 hours of your order. We understand how important it is to receive your products promptly and work tirelessly to make this possible for you.

In the rare cases where delivery times exceed the 48-hour window, you can rest assured that this is the exception rather than the rule. In such cases, the waiting time is typically a maximum of 4 to 6 weeks. This happens only rarely, but even in these instances, we strive to expedite the process and ensure you receive your products as soon as possible. 

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We want to make sure you have our products in your hands swiftly, so you can make the most of them and enjoy. Trust in your purchase with us, as we value fast delivery just as much as product quality and customer service. 

Thank you for choosing FOX, and we look forward to providing you with a seamless and swift shopping experience.